A Sticky Note Can Change A Life

A few years ago, Lauren Conner was struggling in the classroom. There were a lot of bad behaviors and bad habits. Watch this podcast episode to learn how a sticky note changed it all.

The Struggle Was Real

Four years ago I was struggling. I was struggling to manage my second-period class. It wasn’t that they were a bad class; it wasn’t even that there were bad students in the class. However, there were a lot of bad behaviors and habits. A sticky note changed it all.

I remember one day specifically where the three boys who derailed the class daily had come in with an unexpected amount of attitude. They didn’t want to sit down, they didn’t want to learn, and they definitely didn’t want to listen to me. At the end of the period, I was at my wit’s end. I had tried every consequence I could think of. That’s when it hit me, I had only tried negative consequences. I decided that the following day my goal would be to find one positive thing those boys did and compliment them on it.

The Power of A Sticky Note

The following day I did just that. One specific boy had stayed in hit seat nearly all period (this was a rarity for him). I called him over to my desk and complimented him. All I said was, “Hey, thank you for staying in your seat today, I am really proud of you.” His face lit up, his eyes brightened, and he said, “Can you tell my mom?”

I have to admit I was in shock. First, I teach seventh grade; it is pretty rare that they even admit they have mothers. Second, this kid was the tough, gangster wannabe, and he wanted me to tell his mom that he had been good? I quickly recovered and assured him that “Of course I would tell her!” However, I hadn’t been able to get ahold of this mom all year! How was I supposed to tell her that her son had been reasonable in class today? I quickly grabbed a sticky note and scrawled a quick note on it. I signed it and handed it to him. I encouraged him to tell his mom and then give her the note, that way he could see her reaction.

Connecting With Students Through Positive Reinforcement

That was the most impactful classroom management technique I used all year. The next morning that student came in smiling and ready to learn. His mom had been thrilled that he had gotten the note because it was the only time he had EVER been complimented for good behavior. For the remainder of the year, this student was a model student. My entire classroom dynamic changed. Other behavior students began asking for notes and suddenly it was a competition between who could be the best behaved, instead of who could derail class the fastest.

That specific student went on to completely pass the third trimester. He had never passed all of his classes before. A simple sticky note inspired and encouraged him to actually learn, stay up on his work, and come in during his lunchtime to work on concepts he didn’t understand. The sticky note changed his life.

It’s Not Only About the Sticky Note

I have used the sticky note technique every year since, and it has worked every time. Oftentimes the toughest students are the ones who need something extra. I have had legitimate gang members beg me to contact their mothers and tell them they had a good day, and when I do, the change I see is enormous.

Buy a pack of sticky notes and watch your classroom transform.


[0:41] The Struggle Was Real

[5:00] The Power of A Sticky Note

[7:15] Connecting With Students Through Positive Reinforcement

[9:30] It’s Not Only About the Sticky Note


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