What is the most meaningful thing that students learn in school? Math? Science? English? History? Those subjects are all crucial, but what about kindness? Thoughtfulness? Perseverance? Positivity?
The social and emotional wellness of students needs to be supported throughout their development, at home as well as in the classroom. That’s why Mister Brown started the Choose Well Program. His desire is not to be a “one-and-done” speaker, but to follow up with students over the course of their education.
We provide teachers and parents with easily accessible resources to help develop character in their students.
Through the lessons taught by Mister Brown, our program supports you in creating and maintaining a positive school culture.
The creative illustrations, relatable stories, and engaging
humor help to keep students focused while teaching them
that if you make better choices, you will live a better life!
Mister Brown and the Choose Well Group are on a mission to help educators and parents empower students to make better choices to live better lives.
We believe that choices are the puzzle pieces of life so it is important to choose well. Oh yeah!
Our Speaker
Mister Brown has been a speaker for over twenty years, but the reason behind why he is so effective is that he isn’t just a public speaker, he’s a communicator.
He will seek to understand the needs of your culture, connect with your people and challenge them to make better choices to live better lives.
Yes, his name is Mister Brown.
His purpose is to empower, equip and support individuals to strengthen our communities through the power of choices.
Find out more about Mister Brown & The Choose Well Program today!
The Choose Well Group | PO Box 492431 Redding CA 96049