
A relationship skill we all need.

Watch the video and have a discussion with your class or someone you know. Below, there are some suggested questions or writing prompts.

Cooperation is a relationship skill we all need.

Cooperation is when people work together to accomplish a goal.

In this video, I ‘m explaining cooperation with the use of three cartoon videos. After each cartoon, please pause the video and discuss or write down what you saw in the cartoon that demonstrates cooperation.

After watching all three cartoons and discussing them, talk about (or write down) what you think is the common theme in all three videos that makes cooperation possible.

[0:00] Intro

[2:23] 1st Video

[3:02] 2nd Video

[4:08] 3rd Video

[5:02] Final Discussion


What is cooperation?

After each cartoon, please pause the video and discuss or write down what you saw in the cartoon that demonstrates cooperation.

After watching all three cartoons and discussing them, talk about (or write down) what you think is the common theme in all three videos that makes cooperation possible.

Which cartoon do you think shows the best example of cooperation? Why did you choose that one?

How can you cooperate at school? At home? With your friends? With your family?

I think the common theme among all three cartoons is communication. Do you agree with me or not? Why?

What other common themes do you see between all three cartoons?

Can you think of a different show or cartoon that has a good example of cooperation?

For grade-level video series, check out the Video Library


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