This Message Is Simple

My message is simple: “When you make better choices you will live a better life, so choose well. Oh yeah!” If you’re watching my videos, you already know that.

Watch the video and have a discussion with your class or someone you know. Below, there are some suggested questions or writing prompts.

School is starting and you are probably getting used to a new classroom, a new teacher, or a new school. You are probably also doing some testing or assessments. In this video, I talk about why testing is important and why we need to respect each other’s differences.

Guess what? It always comes down to a choice.


[2:10] As the school year gets started, you may be doing some testing or assessments. I know it’s not that fun and it might even be stressful, but testing is important.

Testing and assessments are a time for your teacher to learn what you know. It also helps you know what you can do to build on your learning.

Do your best and never give up, but remember that testing does not define who you are as a person. You are more than your grades.

Learn more about why testing is important by watching this other video I did “What is the purpose of testing?”

Respecting Differences

[3:16] Whether you are in a new classroom or a new school, you are probably surrounded by some new faces. Maybe you are around people or environments that are different than what you are used to.

We all come from different places and have different experiences. We all look different and have different interests. It’s okay to be different. Our differences make each one of us unique.

Don’t be afraid to be you because you matter.


How will you choose to handle testing and assessments this school year?

Will you do your best and never give up? Why or why not?

Will you let your grades define you as a person? Why or why not?

How do you feel about being in a new classroom or new school this year?

Do you worry about being different than other people? Why or why not?

In what ways can we celebrate our differences?

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