Live Above the Influence: Two Strategies For Using Social Media

This video isn’t about telling you to get off social media, but HOW to be on social media. Take these two strategies for how to use social media and, “Live above the influence.”

Watch the video and have a discussion with your class or someone you know. Below, there are some suggested questions or writing prompts.

This video isn’t about telling you to get off social media, but HOW to be on social media.

“Live above the influence.”

One way to help you “live above the influence” is to ask yourself if it’s good or not.

Social media influences us more than we think it does. Sometimes we look at it and think that’s how life really is or that it’s reality when it’s not. A lot of what we see on social media, especially with “influencers,” is there because of money. 

Living above the influence also means not being impacted by what other people say about you on social media. Just because someone posts something about you doesn’t mean it’s true and it doesn’t mean you need to respond to it. 

People will always have something to say about you. 

Consider the source: Are they trying to help you or hurt you? Are they trying to bring you down or build you up? Don’t let the negative comments define you. Let them drive you to a better place. 

One of the most powerful things we have is the ability to choose one thought over another. It’s a choice. When you make better choices you will live a better life, so choose well. Oh yeah!

(NOTE: If someone posts something threatening or harmful, please report it to an adult.)

Questions for Discussion:

Do you think social media influences you very much? Why or why not? 

How does social media influence you?

What do you think about the quote: “Live above the influence.” Does it resonate with you when it comes to social media?

Has there ever been something on social media that has negatively impacted you? Positively impacted you?

What does it mean to consider the source when someone says something about you?

Do you think there are benefits to social media? What are they?

If you use social media, in what ways can you help yourself not to be negatively impacted by it?


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