“I Choose Kindness”

Kindness is so important for our world, so I choose kindness. How about you?

Read this blog, watch the video, and have a discussion with your class or someone you know. Below, there are some suggested questions to get you started.

“When you are kind to others you always get something in return. A better you.” -Mister Brown

Kindness is the qualities of being friendly, generous, and considerate. 

In this video, I shared five random acts of kindness. I want you to think about which act of kindness stands out to you and have a discussion with your class or someone you know about it. 

I think our world can be a better place if everyone took some time to be kind.

Questions for discussion:

What act of kindness from the video stood out to you the most? Why?

Are you afraid to show kindness? Why or why not?

Think of a time that someone showed kindness to you and share it.

What do you think of my statement that, “When you see acts of kindness you can be acts of kindness”?

What can you do today to show kindness to someone?

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.


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