Focus On Your Purpose

Join me as I travel to a school to deliver Choose Well hoodies for Choose Well Wednesday.

I am grateful for GPS. The road is long, windy, and slower than I thought, but GPS keeps me going in the right direction.

Your purpose in life is like that GPS. Your purpose is greater than the path you are on. The path is not always glamorous.

One of the downsides of social media, is we get to see everyone’s curated story. We don’t see the boring path it took to get to that point. We don’t see the tough road. We see the outcome.

The outcome is not always based on the path. The path is usually hard. When we glamorize the outcome we minimize the work it takes on the path.

Keep your eye on your purpose while you’re on your path. The path will get difficult, but you can keep going because your purpose is greater than your path.

Questions for Discussion:

Do you agree that your purpose is greater than your path? What does that mean to you?

Do you agree that social media usually shows people’s curated story or best moments? Is it easy to feel like other people’s lives are more glamorous on social media?

What is your purpose for school or work? What are some ways you can stay focused on your purpose while you are on the path?


Someone Needs To Hear This today!


“I Choose Kindness”