Dear Parents, Let’s Stop Doing This
I have received feedback that some of you enjoy using the videos for personal growth, and others use them in the classroom with your students. This week's Choose Well Wednesday video focus is parenting, but don’t click off. I encourage you to share it with your students in the classroom or at home. Use it to engage in a conversation about parenting.
Below, there are some suggested questions for discussion with students.
Some of you are educators, some are parents, and some are both.
It’s tempting to want to be our kid's friend, but we need to love our kids enough to say "no" sometimes. Our kids will not always like us or like our rules, but they will love us for protecting them.
Questions for Discussion:
Ask students what they think about what I said. Do they agree or disagree?
Do they ever feel like the rules (from parents or educators) are unfair? Why or why not?
Can they imagine themselves as a parent or educator and think of reasons why the rules are there?
Do they want their parents to be their parents or their friends? Why or why not?
Let me know what your students thought about what I said about parenting.