Ask Yourself This Question | Responsibility Part 7

Responsibility is taking ownership of your words and your actions. Speaking of words, do you talk to yourself? The next time you're talking to yourself, ask yourself this question: Will that be hurtful or helpful? Answering that question before you speak to someone, can keep you out of a whole lot of trouble. When we say unkind things to people, it's like trying to put a cracked egg back into its shell. You can't put a cracked egg back in its shell and you can't take back the words you say out loud. So, before you speak ask yourself the question: Will that be hurtful or helpful? Say it with me, "I choose responsibility."

When you make better choices you will live a better life, so choose well. Oh yeah!


Did I Do That? | Responsibility Part 8


Kind Words Leave Echoes | Responsibility Part 6