Are You Running On Empty?

In this video, I share three tips to put yourself first so that you have enough gas to be the person you want to be in your life.

Have you ever played the gas game? You know, you need gas in your car, but you try to drive it just a little bit further. Eventually, you run out of gas and you’re stuck on the side of the road. That game?

Cars don’t run without gas and neither do people.

Taking care of yourself first is the least selfish thing you can do.

“If my output exceeds my input, my upkeep will be my downfall.”

The following tips can help bring you to a better place. Once you start taking care of yourself, you will have the capacity to better serve those around you.

Three tips to put yourself first

  1. Evaluate

    Ask yourself these questions

    Am I juggling so many things that some things keep falling?

    Am I feeling frustrated and overwhelmed?

    Am I doing too much?

    What is mine to do? This one question has helped save my life.

    Asking yourself these questions can help you determine what you need to do to manage your life better and what needs to be subtracted from the endless to-dos. If it helps you process these questions, enlist the help of a family member or friend to evaluate these questions with you.

  2. Plan

    Write it down

    Write down exactly what you will do and give yourself a deadline.

    “I will do __________ by __________.”

    Start small. Choose one thing from your list of to-dos that you can subtract from your life or add a self-care routine you enjoy. The idea is that whatever you add or subtract will not increase your levels of frustration and overwhelm. Instead, the thing you write down will help alleviate some stress in your life.

    Share your plan with someone who will follow up with you, who will encourage you, and see how you are doing.

  3. Execute

    Put your plan in motion

    Turn your thoughts into actions. Choose to execute your plan to put yourself in a better place.


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