Two Words To Resolve Conflicts

I want you to know the two words that will help you resolve any conflict before it even becomes a conflict.

Watch the video and have a discussion with your class or someone you know. Below, there are some suggested questions or writing prompts.

I made this video as a shout-out to a particular school. However, I shared two very important words in the video that will help anyone resolve their conflicts.

I joke around in this video about being similar to Mister Rogers. He taught important life lessons to kids, he wore sweaters, and he had theme music that many of us can recognize immediately. 

Of course, I don’t consider myself to be famous in the way Mister Rogers was, but I do some of the same things he did. 

  • I like to teach kids important life lessons, like “Choose well! Oh yeah!” 

  • I wear a lot of sweatshirts that say Choose Well - Oh Yeah! on them. 

  • I also have some pretty cool theme music. It’s cool because a bunch of teenage boys spontaneously came up with that song on a guitar and some buckets. 

The Two Words To Help You Resolve Your Conflicts

[1:40] I have really great kids, but they still argue with each other. Sometimes they need a reminder about how to treat one another. For this video, I not only tell you the two words, but I also wear the two words. 

The two words are: Consider Others

To consider others means that you don’t only think about your own needs, but you also think about the needs of others.

For instance, you are not always going to agree with other people. However, as disagreements come up you can still treat other people with respect.

Also, life is hard for everyone. You never know what someone else is going through, so you need to consider others before you do or say something that might hurt them.

I hope this video was helpful to you and you learned the two words: Consider Others. If this video helped you, I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for watching.

Questions for discussion or writing prompts:

Do you know who Mister Rogers is? Does your teacher or do your parents know who Mister Rogers is?

What are the two words I mentioned in the video? What does it mean?

Do you have siblings, family members, or friends that you argue with? How can you apply the two words to your interactions with those people?

Do you or your friends ever crack jokes about other people? How do you think that makes them feel? What would it look like to consider others in this situation?

Do you agree that everyone goes through something hard at some point in life? Would you like to share or write about it?

What can you do today to “Consider Others”?

Learn more about the Consider Others campaign, an anti-bullying message through The Choose Well Program.


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