Can A Mistake This Big Be A Good Thing?

Some mistakes can turn out for the good. Even an accidental text message can have a good outcome.

Watch the video and have a discussion with your class or someone you know. Below, there are some suggested questions or writing prompts.


Have you ever sent or received a text that was a mistake? How did you respond?

Do you think social media and texting contribute to more problems? Why or why not?

Can social media and texting be used to improve communication and our relationships? Why or why not? In what ways does it improve or not improve communication and our relationships?

Does hearing the story about the grandma texting “LOL” make you want to be more careful about how you use social media or texting? Why or why not?

What do you think about Wanda and Jamal’s story?

Wanda and Jamal's texting "mistake"


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